
含量8(%) 应用剂型胶囊、片剂

【别名】育亨宾;萎必治;盐酸育亨宾;育亨宾碱 ,安慰乐得片,安慰乐得,  

【外文名】aphrodyne tablets , corynine, yocon   【cas】65-19-0   

【来源】非洲植物育亨宾corynante yohimbe的干燥树皮提取物。   

【分子式和分子量】 c21h26n2o3•hcl ,390.91   

【物理性质】熔点:288℃~290℃,旋光度:+100°, 易溶于氯仿,溶于甲醇、乙醇,微溶于水  

【适应症】 临床单剂用于治疗男性各型阳痿及性功能减退。   

【用量用法】 口服:每次5.4mg,每日3次,10周为1疗程。本品可与睾丸素合用增强其疗效。 一般情况下可口服,1次5~10mg,1日3次。由于其生物t1/2仅35分钟,需经2~3周的蓄积作用才能显效。重症者可皮下注射,1次10~20mg,1日2~3次,20次为1疗程。   【规格】 片剂:5.4mg。注射液,每支10mg(0.5ml)。


dear sir or madam,

good day!

we’re very glad to introduce ourselves as one of the chinese leading suppliers of the plant extracts. and our strongest products are as follows:

astragalus p.e.

black cohosh p.e.

cassia nomame p.e.

dahurian rose fruit p.e.

echinacea purpurea p.e.

green tea p.e.

hawthorn leaf p.e.

polygonum p.e.

rhodiola p.e.

siberian ginseng p.e.

tribulus terrestris p.e.

white willow bark p.e.

wolfberry p.e.

white yam p.e.

we can also produce and supply the other products related to plants .located in sanyuan county industrial park, xianyang city, shaanxi, our factory covers an area of 40 acres, with most advanced stainless steel production facilities, relying on the mountains,the dividing line between south and north china and around the world medicinal plant resources, with very strong production know-how and very strict assurance system for the pharmaceutical, food, health care products and cosmetic industries in line with gmp standard plant extracts, active ingredients and natural plant starch monomer.
company philosophy: to absorb the purest resources and to adopt the best technology and serve human beings with most natural products for a better natural life.
we"ve been doing our best to establish trustful and long term cooperation with our customers. please find our products list attached. if you’re interested in any of our products, please do not hesitate to keep in touch with us. and we"re looking forward to cooperating with you and supplying you products of the finest with best services.

best regards
